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Fascicolo 2 | 2015


download-(buttons)Matteo Vergani, Ana-Maria BliucThe evolution of the ISIS’ language: a quantitative analysis
of the language of the first year of Dabiq magazine

In this article we investigate the evolution of ISIS by analysing the text contained in Dabiq, the official ISIS’ internet magazine in English. Specifically, we used a computerized text analysis pro-gram LIWC (Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count) to investigate the evolution of the language of the first 11 Issues of Dabiq. First, our analysis showed that affiliation seems to be an increasingly important psychological motive for the group. Secondly, ISIS has been increasingly using emotions, which are an important mobilizing factor in collective action literature, in a strategic manner. Thirdly, ISIS language presents an increasing concern with females. Last but not least, our analysis shows that ISIS has been increasingly using internet jargon (net-speak), which shows how the group tries to adapt itself to the internet environment and to connect with the identities of young individuals.

download-(buttons)Claudio Bertolotti, Andrea Beccaro, Suicide Attacks: Strategy, from the Afghan War to Syraq
and Mediterranean region. A triple way to read the asymmetric threatsatteo Vergani


download-(buttons)Laris GaiserIntelligence economica: una proposta per l’Italia

download-(buttons)Giovanni GiacaloneIslamic extremism from the Balkans emerges in Italy


download-(buttons)Marco Lombardi, Alessandro Burato, Marco MaiolinoDalla SOCMINT alla Digital HumInt.
Ricomprendere l’uso dei Social nel ciclo di intelligence

download-(buttons)Alessandro BuratoSOCial Media INTelligence: un nuovo spazio per la raccolta di informazioni rilevanti

download-(buttons)Mauro PastorelloHow cyberspace is used by terrorist organization: possible threats to critical infrastructures? The most recent activities of cyber counterterrorism

L’obiettivo di questo articolo è di mettere in luce le numerose criticità e vulnerabilità che possono essere sfruttate da organizzazioni terroristiche, che accompagnano la crescente importanza dell’universo cibernetico nella vita sociale quotidiana di ogni individuo e nei processi di business di ogni azienda. Nella prima parte sarà messa in luce la convergenza dell’universo fisico con l’universo logico e verrà offerta un’analisi del cyberspace, utilizzando la Teoria di Clark e fornendo esempi di alcuni recenti casi di attacchi cibernetici. Il corpo centrale dell’articolo fornirà una breve descrizione della strategia italiana sulla sicurezza cibernetica e introdurrà il concetto di Infrastruttura Critica, evidenziando come, ad oggi, non si possa più parlare di infrastrutture meramente fisiche ma di Infrastrutture Critiche Informatizzate. Nella terza ed ultima parte, l’articolo fornirà un’analisi delle attività terroristiche condotte nel cyberspace, applicando la Teoria di Barry Collin ed il concetto di cyberterrorism, evidenziando in ultimo le strategie difensive ed offensive attuate da Stati Uniti e Gran Bretagna e offrendo spunti di riflessione sulla necessità di applicare in misura maggiore le tecniche di cultural intelligence.

The paper aims to highlight the critical issues and vulnerabilities that can be exploited by terrorist organizations, which grow with increasing importance of cyberspace in all business processes and on the daylife of each of us. In the first part will be highlighted the convergence of the physical world with the cyber world, where the phenomenon of cyberspace is being analyzed, according to Clark’s Theory and providing some examples of recent cases of cyber attacks. The second part is dealing with a brief description of the Italian strategy on cyber security and introduce the concept of Critical Information Infrastructure, which means that we can no longer speak of merely physical infrastructure. In the last part, the paper will provide an analysis of terrorist activities conducted in cyberspace, according to Barry Collin’s Theory and introducing the concept of cyberterrorism, highlighting the latest offensive and defensive strategies implemented by the United States and Britain and offering insights reflection on the need to apply techniques of cultural intelligence.


download-(buttons)Giovanni PisapiaA Case Study Analysis of the Implementation of GIS Technology for Safety and Security Planning during Major Sport Events

download-(buttons)Executive Summary

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